New Journal article published
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Today a new paper (Article Number 200702, January 2007) has been published in the IFRF Combustion Journal (http://www.journal.ifrf.net), entitled Development of an experimental laminar flow reactor and a test method for determination of the rate of pyrolysis of high-volatile-content solid fuels.
J. Lehto
Institute of Energy and Process Engineering
Tampere University of Technology
P.O. Box 589, FI-33101
Tampere, FinlandTel: +358 3 3115 4419
Fax: +358 3 3115 3751
Email: J. LehtoThis paper deals with the derivation of the combustion modelling parameters for peat. One unique feature of this paper is the demonstration of a method to determine the kinetic parameters for a two reaction model of peat combustion. As well, by using photographic images of the falling peat particles, the author is able to estimate the shape factor and drag coefficient.
The present article deals with the pyrolysis of Finnish milled peat in the fluidized bed combustion temperature range in the developed laminar flow reactor. The pyrolysis of milled peat is studied with different residence times in the reactor and a straightforward method for determining the kinetic parameters from measured data is presented. Based on the experimental results, the kinetic parameters for Finnish milled peat were calculated using two-competing-reactions model. Drag coefficient of the peat and some important properties of the developed reactor were identified using optical measurements.Key Words:
pyrolysis, laminar flow reactor, peat, particle tracking velocimetry, kinetic parametersFULL PAPER:
The full paper may be downloaded from the server, in the “New Papers” section (http://www.journal.ifrf.net/articles.html), by clicking on the Acrobat PDF icon alongside the title.Publication in the Journal
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