• New Journal Article No. 200505 – Brink et al – Sept 2005

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  • This week a new article (Article Number 200505, September 2005) has been published in the IFRF Combustion Journal (http://www.journal.ifrf.net), entitled:

    “Minimizing NOx emission from a waste derived fuel gasifier gas combustor using CFD combined with detailed chemistry”


    Anders Brink1, Mikko Hupa1, Esa Kurkela2 and Marjut Suomalainen2

    1 Process Chemistry Centre
    Åbo Akademi University
    FI-20500 Åbo

    2 VTT Processes
    P.O. Box 1601
    FI-02044 VTT


    Anders Brink
    Combustion and Material Chemistry
    Åbo Akademi Univeristy
    Biskopsgatan 8
    Tel: 358 2 215 4931
    Fax: 358 2 215 4962
    e-mail: anders.brink@abo.fi


    Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) coupled with a detailed description of the gas phase chemistry is used to find a firing mode that minimizes emissions of nitrogen oxide. The studied combustor is fired with product gas from a waste derived fuel gasifier. First, three experiments were carried out with varying air supply and air ratio in order to gain insights into the nitrogen chemistry inside the burner. Then, CFD modeling is carried out using a mechanism considering 21 species and 54 reactions. Based on the obtained insight additional CFD calculations are performed to find a firing mode with lower NOx emission. In the optimal firing mode enough air was introduced in the upper part of the burner to obtain conditions favorable for NOx reduction through reactions between NH3 and NO. The rest of the air was supplied in the lower part of the burner using low jet velocities. If too little air was introduced in the upper part of the burner, NO was formed at the lower air level. If too much air was supplied, NO was formed in the upper part of the burner. The CFD calculations also indicate that the generally low NOx yield in this device is closely connected to the low temperature associated with combustion of low calorific gases.

    Key words:

    CFD, gasification, nitrogen chemistry, optimization

    The full paper may be downloaded from the server, by going to the head of the “List of Published Papers” section and selecting the paper(http://www.journal.ifrf.net/published-articles.html). When the paper displays, click on the Acrobat PDF icon alongside the title.

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    Papers may be regular “articles” (typically up to 20 pages) or Communications (typically up to 4/5 pages). Review papers can of course be longer. Remember that figures and graphics in general can be in full color. This advantage should be encouraged.

    All manuscripts and associated files, proposed for publication should be sent by the Corresponding Author in a compressed/zip file, as an email attachment to journal@ifrf.net. This file should include a statement that the proposal’s content is unpublished material that has not being submitted for publication elsewhere. When an article by the author(s) is cited in the proposed article as “in press”, a copy of this article should accompany the proposed article and should be included in the compressed file.
    The Editor-in-Chief looks forward to receiving your proposals.

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