• New dates for Gas Industry TOTeM 44

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  • New dates of March 14th/15th 2017 have been proposed for TOTeM 44: “Gaseous fuels for industry and power generation: challenges and opportunities”. The event will be hosted by GWI in Essen, and will focus on issues of gas quality faced by industry, including the use of biogas and hydrogen.  


    Natural gas is an important energy source for many different sectors: in thermal processing industries, it is used as one of the primary fuels to provide process heat while it also plays an important role in power generation.

    In recent years, the markets for natural gas have changed: the „unbundling“ of traditional gas suppliers, the harmonization of EU gas quality standards (EN 16726) and the decline of European gas production (e. g. Dutch L-Gas) have led to a more dynamic market, but may also cause much greater fluctuations of local natural gas qualities in many regions of Europe.

    At the same time, renewable gases (biogas and biomethane, possibly hydrogen from power-to-gas in the future) are starting to play a bigger role, both as feed-in into the transport and distribution grids, but also for direct utilization for the generation of process heat or electricity.

    These developments present new challenges, but also new opportunities to manufacturers and operators of large gas-fired equipment in industry and power generation.

    Organiser Joerg Leicher of GWI invites those with an interest in contributing to TOTeM 44 on this new date to contact him via info@ifrf.net.  More information on this and other forthcoming combustion technology events at http://www.calendar.ifrf.net/events.html

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