New Chairman at Swedish Flame
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New National Committee Chairmen Sébastien Caillat (Comité Francais) and Magnus Marklund (Swedish Flame Research Committee) participated for the first time in the IFRF Joint Committee meeting last month. They agreed to being introduced via MNM. This week we feature Magnus and the Swedish Flame Research Committee.
Magnus Marklund is Managing Director at Energy Technology Centre (ETC) in Piteå, Sweden. He has an M.Sc. in Engineering Physics and a PhD in fluid mechanics from Lulea University of Technology in the north of Sweden and has been in research and development at ETC since 2001.
Magnus sees the sustainable supply of energy as one of the greatest challenges for mankind. He says, “Despite the alarming reports around the earth’s resources and our climate, my belief in and relationship to new energy solutions tells me to be optimistic. With an increased global awareness of the importance of sustainable energy, by striving for new innovations, and with the Earth’s own natural quest for balance we will find the solutions we need.” Magnus asserts that success will require technology development, a sound economic context for industry and promotion of higher education in the energy sector.
Energy Technology Centre (ETC) is a not-for-profit research organization that provides both research work and professional services to academia, public agencies, and industry. The focus area of research is thermo-chemical conversion of biomass. Services are related to applications in combustion, gasification, and bio-refining processes.
Magnus’s fellow officers in the Swedish Flame Research Committee are Raziyeh Khodayari of Vattenvall and Kent Davidsson of SP Technical Research Institute.
Swedish Flame has an even mix of industrial and academic organizations amongst its members. Their newest member is Umeå University. Click here to browse the Swedish Flame Research Committee Member list.
IFRF Members may contact individual representatives from Swedish Member Organisations via the Exchange.