• New Article Published Today in our Online Combustion Journal

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    • Post Author

      Peter Roberts

A new paper has been published in the IFRF Combustion Journal – http://www.journal.ifrf.net/, entitled:

H-J Tomczak*, G Benelli+, L Carrai+ and D Cecchini+
* Synaps Ingenieur-Gesellschaft mbH, Bremen, GERMANY
+ ENEL Produzione S.P.A. Ricerca, Pisa, ITALY

Corresponding Author
Heinz-Jörg Tomczak

The paper describes the studies developed by ENEL Produzione Ricerca about a diffusion flame gas turbine combustor fed with mixtures of natural gas and hydrogen. CFD studies using FLUENT carried out the changing fuel composition from natural gas to pure hydrogen for an extensive high pressure test campaign with a Gas Turbine in the ENEL Facility Sesta. While modifying the fuel mixture, the NOX emission level shows an evident increase while the metal temperature distribution changes negligibly. This work was financed by the fund established by the Italian Government to support research activities of general interest of the electric sector (Ministerial Decree 26 January 2000).

Full paper
The full paper may be downloaded from the server, in the “New Papers” section (http://www.journal.ifrf.net/articles.html), by clicking on the Acrobat PDF icon alongside the title.

Publication in the Journal
The Editor-in-Chief (See associated article in this edition of the MNM) would like to remind all potential authors that publication in the Journal is open to all. If you have interesting results to publish in the field of, or related to, industrial combustion, we invite you to prepare a paper according to the guidelines given in the Author’s Guide on the website (http://www.journal.ifrf.net/).

Papers may be regular “articles” (typically up to 20 pages) or Communications (typically up to 4/5 pages). Review papers can of course be longer. Remember that figures and graphics in general can be in full color. This advantage should be encouraged.

All manuscripts and associated files, proposed for publication should be sent by the Corresponding Author in a compressed/zip file, as an email attachment to journal@ifrf.net. This file should include a statement that the proposal’s content is unpublished material that has not being submitted for publication elsewhere. When an article by the author(s) is cited in the proposed article as “in press”, a copy of this article should accompany the proposed article and should be included in the compressed file.

The Editor-in-Chief looks forward to receiving your proposals.