• National Flame Days Announcement

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  • Combura 2004: Combustion Research and Application
    Nieuwegein’s Business Centre, Nieuwegein, The Netherlands
    3rd March 2004

    COMBURA 2004 is a joint initiative of the Technology Foundation STW (Platform Schone en Zuinige Verbranding), the NVV (Nederlandse Vlam Vereniging) and the Dutch section of the Combustion Institute.

    The main goal of the symposium is to provide a central forum among people from industry and technological institutes working on applied research on the one hand whilst university researchers focusing on basic combustion studies on the other. The symposium will be a meeting place for all people from the Netherlands and surrounding countries involved in combustion research and application of new combustion technologies.

    For further details, download the PDF Announcement by clicking here.

    AFRC 2004 Spring Meeting:
    Applications of Combustion Fundamentals to Practical Problems
    University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA
    18th and 19th March 2004

    Our American Flame Research Committee (AFRC) in co-operation with the University of Utah, Brigham Young University, Reaction Engineering International, and the Advanced Combustion Research Center would like to invite members and guests to attend and to submit a presentation at their spring meeting:

    2004 American Flame Research Committee Conference
    on the Applications of Combustion Fundamentals to Practical Problems

     18th-19th March 2004
    University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA

    The AFRC 2004 Spring Meeting will be chaired by Philip J. Smith (University of Utah) & Brad Adams (Reaction Engineering International) with Larry L. Baxter (Brigham Young University) as the Meeting Secretary.

    The organizers encourage members and guests from industry, research
    organizations, and universities and others engaged in research, development, and application of combustion technology for improvements related to combustion, pollution abatement and energy utilization to participate and present their work.

    For further details, you can visit their website at:


    or download their PDF Announcement by clicking here.

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