• Multi Phase Flow Technology – A Survey

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  • On behalf of the UK Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), the Boiler and Combustion Team at Innogy is currently preparing a review of the status in Multi Phase Flow Technology used in coal fired power plants.  As part of this exercise, an international survey is currently on-going.  In this regard, we would like to invite our readers to participate. 

    The survey is in the form of a web page that can be filled in very quickly (see link below). The value of the report will be greatly enhanced if a large number of people respond to the questionnaire. We wish to thank you for your anticipated participation.


    To give you a background to this technology, a Combustion File (CF229) – “What is a Multi-Phase Flow?”  has been published (See lead article in this Edition of MNM).

    If you have questions, direct them to:

    Alf Malmgren (alf.malmgren@innogy.com)
    InnogyOne (www.innogyone.com)


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