• MNM to become fortnightly in 2012

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  • From this first 2012 issue, MNM will be published fortnightly.   A number of new editorial features have been introduced and will become part of the publication from the 23 January edition.  The new features include:

    • A regular monthly update from the Livorno experimental area
    • Intermittent reports from the Supervisor of Research Neil Fricker
    • A monthly newsbrief from IFRF Director Leo Tognotti
    • Periodic updates on the new European Commission co-funded RELCOM and BRISK projects (Oxy-coal and Biofuels Research Infrastructure respectively)
    • A wrap up of news and views from the combustion arena provided by the IFRF’s Patrick Lavery

    We also intend to feature regular contributions from the IFRF National Committees and news from Member organisations.  Regular events updates from the IFRF Events Calendar will of course continue, along with feedback on events, announcements regarding newly published technical reports, and so on, as before.

    The 23 January edition will feature the first report of the year from the experimental area along with the first contribution from Patrick Lavery and a technical update on the upcoming Paris conference. 

    Readers who have other suggestions about MNM content are welcome to contact the IFRF’s Tracey Biller

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