• Mitigation of CO2 – An International Challenge…

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  • In recent years it has become evident that climate change is real. Consensus among the leading scientists is that climate change is linked to increasing concentration of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere that enhances the natural “Greenhouse Effect”.  Carbon Dioxide is the most significant among these GHGs. Politically, various governmental agencies, industries and non-government organisations has all agreed that everyone should take co-operative actions in the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions.

    To stabilise the CO2 concentrations or reduce them, the emissions of CO2 should be reduced dramatically.  This is surely an enormous challenge since fossil fuels are likely to remain the major source of energy over the next 30 to 40 years. Given this situation, a portfolio of approaches is likely to be needed to drive CO2 emissions down without impeding economic growth. One of these approaches is to improve efficiency both in energy supply and utilisation.  This is in any events the industry’s entire desirable goal.

    To tackle these issues, the International Flame Research Foundation in co-operation with its associate organisations, the Swedish Flame and the British Flame, has organised the Stockholm TOTeM 2003 and the Birmingham TOTeM Cluster this coming October and November respectively.  Therefore we would like to invite all our readers to register for…


    The Quest for Zero Emissions in Industrial Furnaces – State of the Art and Future Development of High Temperature Air Combustion

    Jernkontoret, Stockholm, Sweden
    23rd – 24th October 2003


    Carbon Dioxide – Control – Capture – Sequestration – Storage and Emissions Trading – . . .

    Austin Court, Birmingham, United Kingdom
    25th November 2003



    Process Heating in Petroleum, Petrochemical and Chemical industries: Identifying Trends and Satisfying Needs through Leveraged External Research

    Austin Court, Birmingham, United Kingdom
    26th November 2003

    Leading the the TOTeM clusters are our Chairmen…


    Wlodzimiez Blasiak
    Professor and SFRC Vice Chairman
    Stockholm Royal Institute of Technology
    TOTeM25 Chairman

    Nick Otter
    Director for Technology & External Affair
    Alstom Power Technology
    TOTeM26 Chairman

    Jim Seebold
    Chevron Texaco (ret.)
    Recipient of Chevron Texaco Corporate

    and President’s Awards in Energy
    Research and Technology
    TOTeM27 Chairman

    All programme, related information and updates are now published in our website:

    For Stockholm TOTeM 2003…


    For Birmingham TOTeM Cluster…


    So don’t forget to pencil them into your agenda/diary and REGISTER NOW!

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