Members’ Conference Update
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The programme for the IFRF’s 16th International Members’ Conference “Combustion and sustainability: new technologies, new fuels, new challenges” is taking shape as registrations flow steadily into the Livorno offices. Potential delegates are urged to make their bookings on the IFRF website. Abstracts may still be considered. Topics which have been formed around the contributions received to date are as follows:
- Fuel characterization: bio-, fossil, secondary fuels
- Ash/mineral matter and related problems
- Oxygen combustion and other technologies for CCS
- New combustion concepts and their application
- Ultra low NOx boilers and heaters for different applications
- Matching for new/revamped/upgraded applications: flame and combustion chamber matching for new or revamped furnaces; burner-boiler matching for new or upgraded boilers
- Flares for Oil&Gas and other sectors
- Combustion modeling Verification &Validation (comprehensive codes and sub-models)
- Diagnostics and in-flame measurement techniques
- Gas turbines
The IFRF is honoured to announce that the first plenary lecture will be delivered by Professor J. Beer, Professor of Chemical and Fuel Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Mass, USA. The topic is “Fossil Fuel Power Generation in a Carbon Constrained World”.
Another of the keynote speakers is Professor K. Hein who will address “Sustainable Energy Supply and Environment Protection-Strategies and Technologies in Europe”.
A draft programme will be made available shortly. Watch MNM for details.