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  • Solid Fuel Characterisation: Details of the programme

    The questions which the workshop aims to answer are the following:

    What do we mean by solid fuel characterisation?
    What are the available methodologies/ devices for this process?
    How can we use the data from characterisation studies for industrial applications?
    What kind and amount of data is available in the IFRF archive?
    What kinds of relationships is it possible to ascertain from row characterisation data?
    What could the structure and content of an IFRF solid fuels’ database be?

    The scientific issues raised will include:

    – Predicting devolatilisation by structural model (CPD, etc.): what kind of data do I need?
    – Evaluating kinetics of char oxidation/gasification in severe conditions; late stages of carbon conversion (carbon in ash); size classes dependent reactivity
    – Slagging, fouling, corrosion properties: how can I evaluate them?
    – Precursors/fate of micropollutants: how evaluate them?

    A preliminary programme has been sketched out below.

    10.00-10.20:  Plenary introduction to workshops

    10.20-10.40:  A-L.Brasseur(EDF, France),
    A Common Methodology for Coals Characterization

    10.40-11.00:  L.Tognotti (UNIPI. IFRF)
    Devolatilisation and Pyrolysis of biomasses and coals : development and validation of structural models
    Solid fuel chars’ morphological characterisation

    11.00-11.20:  W.Rybak (Wroclaw University, Poland)
    Combustion characteristics of blended coals- ignition and co-ignition coal and biofuels

    11.20-11.40:  Piero Salatino (University of Naples, Italy),
    Assessment of fuel properties relevant to fluidized bed combustion/gasification: organic matter

    11.40-11.50:  Mikko-Hupa (Abo Akademi, Finland)
    Assessment of fuel properties relevant to fluidized bed combustion/gasification: inorganic matter

    11.50-12.05:  Peter Roberts (for IFRF)
    The IFRF archive: solid fuels’ characterisation data mining

    12.05-12.20:  Discussion : Structure and content of the IFRF database
    Chair: L.Tognotti

    12-20-13.00:  Plenary report back session

    See the website later this week for the full conference programme. http://www.improntesrl.it/ifrf/index.asp?page=programme.asp

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