• Master-Thesis Grant

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  • The University of Luxemburg within its multi-disciplinary and -cultural environment offers a grant for a Master-thesis in numerical simulation. The objective of this study is to predict the charging process of a blast furnace. The work is carried out in close cooperation with the industrial partner Paul Wurth S.A.
    The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, in the heart of Europe, a multilingual country, and headquarters of many European institutions and businesses, offers a particularly interesting setting. The University of Luxembourg offers students the opportunity to pursue doctoral studies under the supervision of academic staff or in cooperation with other host institutions.

    Outline of the thesis:
    Paul Wurth S.A. as key technology manufacturer for blast furnace equipment has designed a charging system which allows an accurate charging of the blast furnace. However, while filling and emptying material hopper, material tends to segregate. This has a significant impact on the blast furnace operation.
    In order to investigate into the charging characteristics in particular segregation, the simulation framework of the Extended Discrete Element Method (XDEM) is applied that complements favourably experimental data. The simulation platform allows predicting the trajectories of particles of different materials, sizes and shapes and thus describes charging accurately. A thorough analysis of predicted results reveals the underlying physics of segregation, and thus allows applying modifications for an improved charging.

    Profile of the successful candidate:
    – MSc student in applied science or similar with focus on fluid dynamics, preferably on Discrete Element Method
    – Familiar with simulation environments
    – One of the working languages: English, German or French
    – Willingness to work in an inter-cultural environment
    – Highly independent, motivated and with persistence in tackling and completing difficult tasks;

    Start and duration:
    – Start date to be agreed with the successful candidate;
    – Duration: 6 months;

    Interested candidates are invited to send an application including CV and motivation letter electronically by July 31st, 2014 to:

    Prof. B. Peters
    Campus Kirchberg
    6, rue Richard Couldenhove-Kalgeri
    L-1359 Luxembourg
    Phone: +352 4666 44 5496 Fax: +352 4666 44 5500
    Email: bernhard.peters@uni.lu http: www.uni.lu and www.xdem.de

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