Livorno News
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Concerning the IFRF management we had recently to main meetings. Both IFRF Executive Committee and Joint Committee meetings were held at Tata Steel, IJmuiden in the Netherlands on 26th and 27th June. The main discussions rotated around the new priorities and directions for the IFRF activities. With the new team members in the Livorno office there is a new energy to push forward IFRF services to its member. Also the decision was made about the next member’s conference. The Members Conference MC 18 will take place from 1st to 3rd June 2015 in Freising and will be organised together with Technical University of Munich.
We would like our members to communicate to us your needs and ideas how IFRF could take an active role in satisfying them. If you want to share your opinions and ideas about it, please contact Izabela Reszewicz, our new Communication Officer.
Concerning the networking activities, IFRF was recently working at full speed with the organisation of two technical meetings. Traditionally after the TOTeM meetings the presentations are uploaded to our website, where are available for our members.
The materials from TOTeM 41 –”Optimisation of OXY/COAL/RFG systems” and from TOTeM 42 – Industrial heating: Furnaces, Process Heaters, Kilns – Design of safe, fuel and environmentally efficient thermal equipment” will be available very soon; in the meantime there is a short report about TOTeM 42 by IFRF Vice-President, Gerard Flament.
In the last month the research activities of the IFRF technical team were focused on the Relcom (Reliable Combustion) project. After the General Assembly meeting of the Relcom project in Warsaw on 9th and 10th the main activity was to prepare and carry out of the measurement campaign in CIUDEN (Ponferrada, Spain). The CIUDEN team performed a successful campaign in their 20 MWth experimental PC boiler both in conventional and oxy-combustion mode. During the tests teams from IFRF, Institute of Power Engineering, University of Munich, University of South Wales and IFK carried out measurements in the combustion chamber. Representatives from Doosan and EDF were also present during the tests. The IFRF team performed chemical species and temperature profile characterization inside the flame in the baseline settings in oxy-mode and conventional combustion mode.