#IFRFAt70: A word from President Macron
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Lucy StrakerIFRF Administration & Communication Coordinator
Throughout 2018 we are celebrating the past 70 years of IFRF with our ‘Seventy Years of Success’, the IFRF 2018 Conference, the ‘Reigniting the…’ series and a number of other activities.
Back in 1948, the three founding countries of IFRF were the UK, the Netherlands and France. With this in mind, IFRF Vice President, Sébastien Caillat, reached out to the French Government for their thoughts. Here was the reply (in both French and English):
“Mr. Emmanuel MACRON would like to congratulate you on the energy and combustion research work conducted by IFRF as well as your commitment to the promotion of international cooperation on this subject. Also, you can be certain of the wishes that it forms for the good progress of all the events which will mark this strong moment in the life of your organisation.”
“Monsieur Emmanuel MACRON tient à saluer les travaux de recherche sur l’énergie et la combustion menés par l’IFRF ainsi que votre engagement au service de la promotion de la coopération internationale sur ce sujet. Aussi, vous pouvez être certain des vœux qu’il forme pour le bon déroulement de l’ensemble des événements qui marqueront ce moment fort dans la vie de votre structure.”
A big thank you to President MACRON for his kind words about IFRF. Follow #IFRFAt70 to keep up to date with all our anniversary activities this year.