IFRF Technical Course – Poland
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From March 29 to April 1 2011, the IFRF offers the technical course “Clean Industrial Fuel Utilization” in collaboration with the Silesian University of Technology, in Gliwice, Poland.
Coordinated by the IFRF’s Prof. Klaus Hein, the four day course features presentations by internationally recognised representatives from universities, consultancies and industrial companies as well as a site visit to the 460 MWe LAGISZA POWER PLANT, the world’s largest supercritical Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler.
The IFRF warmly thanks Prof. Ryszard A. Bialecki, Director at the Institute of Thermal Technology in Gliwice for his invaluable collaboration in organising the event. All details are on the IFRF Events Calendar.
Other upcoming events on the IFRF Events Calendar include:
- The 9th European Conference on industrial furnaces and boilers, 26 to 29 April, Estoril, Portugal
- The Fifth European Combustion Meeting, a biennial event sponsored by the British section of the Combustion Institute at Cardiff University, Wales 28th Jun – 1st Jul, 2011
- Clean Air, 2011, the 11th International Conference in Lisbon from 5th-8th July, 2011, and
- The 25th German Flame Day “Combustion and Furnaces, 14th and 15th September at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.
To publicise a combustion event, training opportunity or job posting on the IFRF Events Calendar, contact Tracey Biller.