IFRF relocation – update
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Neil Fricker
IFRF continues with its relocation to Sheffield University. The IFRF’s 60 years of archived reports and documents have been boxed and will be shipped to Sheffield this week. IFRF instruments and analysers were already shipped to Sheffield during August.
With the completion of this shipment and an associated move of the IFRF’s local IT network to a temporary home within the IFRF’s IT support office in the Netherlands, IFRF’s move out of its Livorno offices will be completed during October. IFRF email addresses and all parts of the www.ifrf.net web site will continue to operate normally throughout the move. Alternative telephone numbers to be used during the relocation are shown at http://www.ifrf.net/page/general/contact-us
The Livorno team would like to take this opportunity of thanking the Livorno team of host ENEL for its vital support during this phase of our physical relocation.