IFRF opens its Report Archive
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During 2006, a complete inventory of the IFRF’s physical and intellectual assets was undertaken as part of the transfer of the IFRF from the Netherlands to Italy. In the case of intellectual assets, the contents of the IFRF Reports Archive and the IFRF Library were entered into two electronic databases. PDF images were also made of all the archived IFRF reports to facilitate the dissemination of these documents electronically.
The IFRF is pleased to confirm that with immediate effect, an on-line search of all archived IFRF reports and documents may be undertaken from the IFRF website at http://www.library.ifrf.net/archive.html. Searches may be made against words contained in the title, the abstract or the full text of IFRF documents, as well as by author. The Search Engine allows users to search against single or multiple entries in these search fields as well as against a combination of criteria in different search fields. Searches may be broadened or restricted using AND or OR conditions for the criteria selected.
Search results are displayed in tabular form showing the document number, title, author(s), and publication year. The results table may be sorted by date, document number or author by clicking on the title bar of these columns. A second click will reverse the sort order. Further details of each document, including an abstract when available, may be viewed in a separate window by clicking on the ‘view’ link in the ‘action’ column, .
PDF images of archived documents may be requested from the IFRF using the ‘request document’ link in the detailed view of each document, or, alternatively, the link which appears on the search page itself.
Users should note that depending on their browser settings, it may be necessary to scroll down the page to view the results table once a search has been initiated. The table will be displayed immediately below the search crietria in the same window.
More detailed guidance about using the search facility and requesting IFRF reports can be found on site.
IFRF Members are reminded that current Research Reports (i.e those published after 31 December 2004) remain available for direct download from the ‘Members Research’ section of the IFRF website at http://www.research.ifrf.net/research/new.html. On a rolling basis, three years after publication date, reports will be moved to the archive.
The IFRF would welcome comments and suggestions about this new service. Please direct your email to Tracey Biller here or to Neil Fricker using this link.