IFRF Online Combustion Journal Developments
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The IFRF Online Combustion Journal is the main research publication of the International Flame Research Foundation in the public domain.
The Editor in Chief is Patrick Hughes. His institute – Canadian Natural Resources – The CANMET Energy Technology Centre – based in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, is the home of the Journal Editorial Secretariat.
The IFRF is the publisher of the Journal. This task is undertaken at the IFRF Communications Centre at Velsen Noord in the Netherlands.
Leah Dell
Retiring Journal SecretaryPetros Lappas
Incoming Journal SecretaryRecently there have been changes in staff at both locations. Leah Dell has been the Journal Secretary since the Editorial Secretariat moved to Ottawa in 2002. Recently she has moved departments in Canmet. Her tasks have been taken over by Petros Lappas, who we are introducing today.
Leah has been been responsible for the “tracking” of papers from proposal to publication. We would like to take this opportunity of thanking Leah and welcoming Petros on board.
Furthermore we would like to note that originally the Publications Graphic advisor was Edgardo Coda Zabetta of Åbo Akademi, Finland. As the required graphic experience was developed at the IFRF, the need for Edguardo’s expertise declined and he has indicated that he would like to cooperate with the IFRF in other ways. We would like to thank Edguardo for his cooperation in the development of the Journal.
Edgardo Coda Zabetta
This week we are publishing two articles concerned with flameless combustion which supplement the IFRF Members Research Report published last week.