• IFRF ONLINE Combustion Handbook 2003

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      Neil Fricker

This week the IFRF ONLINE Combustion Handbook opens its 2003 publication activity with five new Combustion Files dealing with the important topic of NOx formation and suppression reactions.

This cluster of Combustion Files lists the chemical reactions behind NOx formation and suppression in flames, and then describes a number of engineering rules for calculation of the rates of NOx formation.

This is followed with a presentation of practical advice on which mechanisms and equations should be applied to different combustion conditions.

The authors are:

  • Marta Rivas, formerly a visiting investigator at the IFRF through the EuroFlam programme, and:
  • Edgardo Coda Zabetta of Åbo Academy University Åbo Academy University, Turku Finland,

The whole cluster has been refereed by Pia Kilpinen of Åbo Academy who has a well-established background in NOx chemistry.

All four principles NOx formation mechanisms are dealt with, thermal, prompt and fuel NOx, together with the N2O route to NOx, which is becoming increasingly important as interest in Flameless Combustion systems increases.

I am grateful to the authors and the referee for the time and trouble that has gone into researching and presenting this important information in a concise form for practicing engineers.

The five Combustion Files are identified below, and may be viewed by entering the IFRF Handbook at www.handbook.ifrf.net, accepting the disclaimer and selecting ‘New Combustion Files’.

Although the content of new Combustion Files may only be viewed by IFRF Members, this new cluster adds to a number of existing Combustion Files dealing with nitrogen oxides which may be identified by Searching the handbook using the search term ‘NOx’. Several of these are in the ‘Open Domain’.

CF40: How do I calculate thermal NOx formation due to Zeldovich? – Members’ Domain
CF41: What is the relationship between fuel nitrogen and NOx emissions? – Members’ Domain
CF42: What are the mechanisms for Prompt NOx formation during combustion? – Members’ Domain
CF132: What are the essential NO reduction reactions used by in-furnace NOx control? – Members’ Domain
CF180: What is the gas-phase mechanism for NO formation from N2O and when is this important in combustion systems?  – Members’ Domain.