IFRF offers course in September
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As announced in the MNM earlier this year, from September 8 – 12 at its Livorno premises, the IFRF will offer “Clean Industrial Fuel Conversion” to Marie Curie fellows, IFRF Members and representatives from the international combustion community at large. This training intervention will link the IFRF with INECSE (Integrated Energy Conversion for a Sustainable Environment) in an event which promises to bridge research and application around this topical issue.
The course will combine formal lectures delivered by representatives from the IFRF research and industrial community with an IFRF orientation session and a visit to the Research Station at Livorno. There will be abundant networking opportunities for both INECSE participants and potential users of their research experience and results.
Overall the course, coordinated by Professor Klaus Hein of the University of Stuttgart, will provide an overview of the status of technology in development and application, cover associated problems, and invite feedback to the scientific community for future research topics.
Potential delegates are invited to consult the IFRF Events Calendar for more information. http://www.calendar.ifrf.net/event.html?id=294 .