IFRF New Director Tognotti to take up position 1st July
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IFRF’s new Director, Professor Leonardo Tognotti of Pisa University, is to take up his position on July 1st 2006. Neil Fricker will continue in the role of IFRF Interim Director until that date.
Leo Tognotti has an established and successful career in fundamental and applied research in combustion, environmental protection and industrial processes. He is a full professor of Chemical and Environmental Engineering and Coordinator of the Courses in Chemical Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering at University of Pisa. He is currently Director of a research centre for computational modelling at Consorzio Pisa Ricerche in Pisa.
Professor Tognotti is author and co-author of more than 150 publications in the field of combustion, multiphase flows, environmental protection in process industry and energy production. He is currently a Member of the Steering Committee of the Italian Section of the Combustion Institute.