• IFRF NET – Back in action again

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      Peter Roberts
  • As we planned, we are recommencing the publication of the Monday Night Mail today both as the Web Edition as well as the emailed edition. The Communications Centre is fully back in operation.

    We would like to say that all the planned maintenance and development work was completed during the shutdown period. That would not be completely true. But the vast majority was completed and system testing indicates that the sites are working. However if you encounter any errors or bugs – please let us know by email at mnm@ifrf.net.

    The Web Edition of the Monday Night Mail has been upgraded. If you are reading the Email Edition, click through to http://www.mnm.ifrf.net and have a look at it.

    The new version has a keyword based article search function built in. Go to Search on the left hand sidebar.

    In addition an improved archive navigation system – see the “Go to week:……” utility at the top right hand corner of the page. The articles available in the new system date from 1st July 2002 [Week 27, 2002].

    Meanwhile we have not deleted the pre-1st July 2002 articles. These are available through the Archive link on the left hand sidebar. We hope that this version is easier for you to handle. It certainly simplifies production for us.

    Further to the changes to the Monday Night Mail, we have been developing a new Research Publication website which we will introduce to you next week along with a resumé of developments in the Handbook.

    This week we are concentrating on meetings and welcoming new Member Organisations and Individual Members as the prelude to an active research and technical information publication period from September through December.

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