IFRF moves to Italy
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This week, the IFRF’s offices and archives are moving to the new IFRF offices in Livorno, Italy. IFRF Administrative Assistant Astrid Deen will remain at the IFRF’s Velsen office, and you can continue to use the usual phone (+31 251 291 600) and fax (+31 251 291 599) numbers to contact IFRF until the Livorno office is operational, expected on Monday October 2nd.
All the current name.name@ifrf.net email addresses will continue to operate this week and into the future, and the web address (www.ifrf.net) will remain unchanged. Please accept our apologies if our response to your email messages is delayed this week.
The IFRF’s new address and telecommunications details will be distributed in next weeks Monday Night Mail, together with information on the new IFRF team in Livorno.
This will be my last communication as Interim Director of IFRF. I take this opportunity to thank all IFRF Members and other colleagues for their support and encouragement since I took over at the IFRF last October. I believe that together, we have achieved a great deal in preparing the IFRF for an exciting future in its new Italian surroundings. I wish the new IFRF team every success with the establishment of the Livorno office and the new IFRF R&D activities.