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  • As a central research organization on combustion related processes the Division of Energy Technology at Chalmers has been a part of the IFRF for many years. Chalmers conducts research and offers education in energy technology and energy systems. The work at Chalmers is characterized by a close collaboration with industrial partners to combine research on technical scale with basic lab research and pilot projects. The research in combustion at Chalmers has traditionally a strong experimental foundation that allows for a combination of large-scale experimental research and theoretical and model-based work. For instance, Chalmers research facilities include a 12 MW circulating fluidized bed unit, a 4 MW gasifier, a 100kW oxy-fuel boiler, and chemical-looping combustion and reforming units (from 300W to 100kW) for solid, fluid, and gaseous fuels.

    The current research projects and activities at Chalmers are focused around the areas combustion and gasification of solid fuels and capture of carbon dioxide from combustion processes. The research cover a wide range of issues related to these areas including heat transfer, emission control, fluid dynamics, combustion chemistry and process design. Examples of recent research projects include the GoBiGas project where Chalmers together with Göteborg Energi develops technology for indirect gasification; Chemical-Looping Combustion where the research group at Chalmers today may be considered as world leading in the development of oxygen carrier materials for combustion; development of oxy-fuel combustion through a long-term cooperation with Vattenfall that lead up to the construction and successful operation of the 30 MW pilot plant in Schwarze Pumpe; and a recently started project together with LKAB to increase fuel flexibility and decrease emissions in their rotary kilns.

    If you are interested to find out more about the Division of Energy Technology at Chalmers please visit our website or contact the Head of Division: Henrik Thunman, +46 31-772 1451.

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