• IFRF Member Conference Update

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  • Herewith some of the highlights of the upcoming IFRF 17th International Member Conference.  All the details appear in the draft programme which will be published on the conference website later this week.  Delegates should book as soon as possible to take advantage of the Early Bird Registration Facility and the hotel room block booking, both of which expire on Tuesday 10 April.

    The conference programme begins at 9.45 on the morning of Monday 11 June with a keynote address from Prof. Yan Yong of the University of Kent on the topic “Advanced Monitoring techniques for coal and biomass fired power plants”.  A session on Emissions from Industrial Processes will be introduced by a presentation from keynote speaker Thierry Lecomte of the IPPC Bureau in Seville who will consider the Trends in EU legislation regarding emission from combustion plants.  Parallel sessions after the lunch break will be devoted to Industrial Processes and CCS/Oxycombustion, followed later in the afternoon by sessions on Low emission Technologies and Oxy-fuel combustion.

    The second day of the conference will kick off with a plenary session devoted to IFRF Strategy, followed by a third keynote presentation on CFD Applications in industrial combustion by Technical University Clausthal Professor Roman Weber.  Related presentations will occupy the rest of the morning, to be followed after lunch by more parallel sessions on similar topics.  The late afternoon will be devoted to IFRF Editorial board and other meetings, allowing delegates a period of relaxation before the conference gala dinner on Tuesday evening.

    Wednesday’s proceedings will be opened by keynote speaker Prof. Flemming Frandsen of Denmark Technical University who will review the complete spectrum of IFRF work on Ash related problems in coal and biomass combustion, after which delegates will be able to choose between a Flares workshop or an open session of presentations from partners in the RELCOM project.  Parallel sessions on Diagnostics and Biofuels complete the programme which ends late on Wednesday afternoon.

    Please consult the conference website after Wednesday this week to view the full details of the draft programme.  A final reminder: the Early Bird Registration Facility and the hotel room block booking both expire on Monday 10 April.

    We look forward to welcoming you to Maffliers!

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