• IFRF Handbook – Further Publications on Emissivity

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  • This week, we continue to develop the theme of emissivity within the IFRF Handbook with two new Combustion Files dealing with the calculation of combustion product emissivity and a third describing the effects of roughness on surface emissivity of refractories

    CF96: How do I calculate the emissivity of natural gas combustion products? – Members’ Domain  
    CF97: How do I calculate the emissivity of combustion products from oil combustion? – Members’ Domain 
    CF150: What is the effect of roughness on surface emissivities of refractories? – Members’ Domain 

    CF 96/97 are the standard correlations of combustion product emissivity for natural gas (CH4) and fuel oil as a function of partial pressures, temperature and beam length. In addition to the HTML tabulations of the correlation coefficients, they contain downloadable spreadsheets to calculate the emissivity values directly from your values of the above parameters. These are more sophisticated than the earlier surface emissivity spreadsheets having embedded guidance as cell comments as well as warnings when you attempt to use the correlations outside their range.  Bob Tucker of Zerontec Ltd has prepared these files and spreadsheets.
    To read or download these and other recently published files, please go to www.handbook.ifrf.net, and select ‘New Combustion Files after accepting the disclaimer screen. Other Combustion Files on the same them may be found by using the links built into the Combustion Files, or by searching the Handbook with the Keyword ‘Emissivity’.

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