IFRF Handbook – Further Publications on Coal Characterisation
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This week, we return the theme of coal combustion with three new Combustion Files dealing with practical aspects of characterising and analysing pulverised coals, and a further Combustion File introducing a new, but related topic, that of two phase flow. To read or download these and other recently published files, please go to www.handbook.ifrf.net, and select ‘New Combustion Files’.
CF181: How do I analyse coals for macerals? – Members’ Domain
CF197: How do I analyse coals for mineral distributions? – Members’ Domain
CF198: How do I determine coal rank by the Vitrinite Reflectance method? – Members’ Domain
CF229: What is Multi Phase Flow? – Open Domain
The three Combustion Files on coal analysis have been prepared by former IFRF Investigator John Smart of Smart Energy and Combustion Systems. They complete a cluster of Combustion Files on this topic by the same author. John Smart is currently working with the Combustion Team at IFRF Academic Member, Clausthal Technical University, in Germany.
CF 229 introduces a new topic and has been produced as part of the new initiative on multi-phase flow by the UK Power Generation Member, Innogy plc and already featured in the Monday Night Mail.
They have invited Monday Night Mail readers who have an interest in Multi-Phase Flow Technology to participate in an international survey. For more details, see the related new article in this edition of the Monday Night Mail or click here.
This combustion file also introduces a new author/referee team to the IFRF Handbook. I would like to express my thanks to Innogy authors Alf Malmgren and Gerry Riley and to IEA referee Dr Rohan Fernando.
To read or download these and other recently published files, please go to www.handbook.ifrf.net, and select ‘New Combustion Files after accepting the disclaimer screen.