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  • May 26 is the date of the afternoon seminar to be held at Delft University of Technology and entitled Advances in turbulent combustion and radiative heat transfer modelling and simulation.  Organised by Professors Roekaerts and Vuik, the seminar will focus on the state-of-the art of computational methods in turbulent combustion, recent progress in the field and the challenges ahead.  Speakers include Prof. Dirk Roekaerts, from Delft University of Technology, Prof. Pedro Coelho, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa, Portugal, and Prof. Stefan Heinz, University of Wyoming, USA.

    More information about this event is available on the IFRF Events Calendar, along with the details of numerous upcoming events including those taking place on the premises of IFRF Member Doosan Babcock Energy Ltd. in June, described in last week’s MNM.

    Next week’s MNM will provide new dates for TOTeM 34 and the associated meetings which were to have been held in April at Cardiff University and CU Gas Turbine Research Centre, Wales and which were postponed until autumn.

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