IFRF European Combustion Laboratory Network
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In 2006, the IFRF’s Joint Committee took a number of steps to establish a better global balance in the IFRF’s governance and technical meetings. This was done by strengthening the representation of the American and Japanese Flame Research Committees on the IFRF’s Executive, and at the same time, by ensuring that the IFRF regularly holds TOTeMs and Members Conferences outside Europe.
The next non-European TOTeM will be held alongside the AFRC/JFRC Joint Meeting in Hawaii in October 2007 http://www.calendar.ifrf.net/event.html?id=233 while the 16th IFRF Members’ Conference will take place in North America in June 2009.
With the achievement of global balance, it was also recognised that the IFRF would have the opportunity to take new initiatives within Europe, a process which was labelled the European Flame Research Initiative (EFRI).
The first such initiative was launched at the 15th IFRF Members Conference when a Working Group was invited to consider the creation of a Network of Combustion Laboratories. The core of the proposed Network already existed in the form of the nine IFRF Member Organisations who had submitted Expressions of Interest in hosting the IFRF after it left IJmuiden.
Following announcements in the Monday Night Mail and in the Programme for the 15th Members Conference, further organisations joined this core group, bringing to 24 the total number of European organisations which participated in the Working Group which was held at Livorno on Friday June 15. A further three organisations from outside Europe participated as they wished to establish links to any Network which might arise from the discussion.
At the end of the Working Group meeting, the IFRF was in fact asked to prepare conceptual proposals for a Network of Combustion Laboratories. An action plan has been circulated to the participants and other interested parties and an initial meeting of the embryonic Network is envisaged early in 2008.
Organisations wishing to have further information about this new initiative should contact IFRF’s Neil Fricker using this link