• IFRF European Combustion / Gasification Laboratory Network

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  • As agreed during the 15th Members Conference in Livorno in June 2007, the IFRF has been looking into ways of strengthening the cooperation between Combustion Laboratories in Europe, as well as ascertaining the potential for obtaining EC funding under the 7th Framework Programme. This has been termed the ‘European Flame Research Initiative’ (EFRI)
    The IFRF has identified a good match to a currently open call issued by the EC’s ‘Capacities’ programme. At a recent meeting in Paris of representatives of  IFRF Member Organisations who had expressed interest in hosting IFRF when it moved from IJmuiden in 2006,  it was agreed to prepare a proposal for EC co-funding of a new network of European Pilot and Large Scale Combustion and Gasification test facilities under the FP7 Capacities/Infrastructures programme.  The IFRF was invited and agreed to act as Coordinator.
    A fuller description of what is being proposed will be issued in next week’s MNM. In the meantime, organisations wishing to have early information about this new initiative should contact the IFRF’s Neil Fricker using this link.

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