• IFRF Director keynote at BFRC Technical meeting

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  • In a keynote address entitled “Combustion diagnostics and computational methods for process optimization” and delivered to delegates at the recent British Flame Technical Meeting in Kent, IFRF Director Leo Tognotti stressed the importance of improving data quality and minimizing the uncertainties inherent in experimental work.

    The meeting, which was organized in collaboration with the Coal Research Forum and the University of Kent, aimed to facilitate information exchange by combustion researchers, engineers and managers on methods, developments and examples of use in continuous process monitoring and control, and computational methods in combustion optimal diagnostics.

    Professor Tognotti’s presentation also provided insight into IFRF’s research capabilities and activities, and described the large-scale energy research facilities available to IFRF at the Enel facility in Livorno.

    The overall title of the meeting was “Combustion Diagnostics, Control, Computational Methods and Process Optimisation”.  Eleven presentations were divided over three sessions: Laboratory-scale Experience, CFD and Computational Analysis, and Industrial-scale Experience.

    The first session included a presentation from Air Liquide R&D on the experimental estimation of separated jet oxy-flames in a 1000ï‚°C furnace, the University of Kent on the monitoring and characterisation of oxy-gas burner flames using digital imaging and spectral analysis techniques, and Leeds University on the national research and development facilities for carbon capture and bio energy.

    During the session on Computer modeling, Doosan Power presented the validation of CFD modelling for conventional and unconventional combustion, and the University of Stuttgart (IFK) described the experimental and computational investigation of flameless oxidation of pulverised coal at pilot scale (230kWth).  Leeds University introduced the internal gas composition and CFD predictions of counter rotating axial swirlers with axial fuel injection between the two swirlers.  The University of Sheffield addressed the heat transfer of zinc galvanization.

    Regarding industrial applications, RJM International presented the results from a study on low NOx combustion at SSE Ferrybridge, Zeeco introduced the low NOx burner retrofits with BMS for process heater optimization, and the University of Glamorgan dealt with the monitoring and control of burners co-firing coal and biomass using joint time- frequency methods.  The University of Kent completed the session with the in-line measurement of particle size distribution at a biomass-fired power plant.

    With the permission of the presenters it is the intention to make all the presentations and posters available on the BFRC website. Watch MNM for details.

    The IFRF Facilities Guide is available in printed format and will soon also be available at the new IFRF website which is under construction.  Copies may be ordered from Tracey Biller.

    Pic: BFRC Chairman Roger Dudill with Leo Tognotti at the RJM stand

    LT and RD at KENT.jpg

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