• IFRF Combustion Journal back in harness

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  • Today’s announcement of a new Combustion Journal paper marks the launch of the 2007 publication campaign. The Journal was established in 1999 with the founding Editor, Terry Wall, of Newcastle University, Australia. Editorial responsibility was transferred to me and my colleagues at Canmet in Canada in 2005. The papers published in The Journal are of a very high quality and all publications are subjected to a rigorous review by experts in related combustion fields. The Combustion Journal is available on-line on the IFRF website and as such is accessible to a much broader audience than traditional hard copy publications. As well, under current arrangements with the IFRF, authors can have their paper, which may include colour graphics, published  free of charge. To date, The Journal has published quality papers on experimental and technical investigations related to combustion. The published topics include diagnostics, emissions, modelling and burner/combustor technologies.

    During 2006 the publication rate slowed, but now that the IFRF has completed the move to Livorno Italy, the publication schedule will pick up. The Canadian editorial team is looking forward to working with the new Livorno based IFRF Journal production team

    On behalf of the Editorial Board I ask you to submit your combustion related paper for publication in the Combustion Journal. Draft papers or enquiries should be submitted to our Journal e-mail address clicking here.