• IFRF changes at the top

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  • Recognising IFRF Director Leo Tognotti’s reduced availability since being designated Dean of Chemical Engineering Courses at University of Pisa, Tomasz Klajny was confirmed by the IFRF Executive as the new Director of IFRF with effect from January 1st 2014.  Tomasz joined the IFRF as Operations Manager in March of this year, after previous experience in the power industry with UK based Doosan Power Systems, where he worked on the design of new coal burners and flameless combustion systems, and UK based Ceres Power, a world leading AIM-quoted alternative energy company developing fuel cell technology

    Tomasz has a PhD in Engineering from Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland, and the work for his PhD was undertaken at IFRF Member Organisation Foster-Wheeler Oy, Varkaus, Finland.  Tomasz recently completed an MBA at the University of Strathclyde, Scotland.  His resume has a very international flavour and includes Master’s degree studies in Grenoble, France and a first degree at University College Cork in Ireland.

    Outgoing Director Leo Tognotti has agreed to act as the IFRF Superintendent of Research for three years with effect from January 1st 2014, taking over from Neil Fricker whose term of office ends in December this year.

    Leo is a Full Professor of Chemical Engineering at University of Pisa and was recently made Dean of Chemical Engineering Courses.  Leo has undertaken the role of IFRF Director on a part time basis for the last 6 years during and after the move of the IFRF from its former Ijmuiden (NL) home to Livorno in Italy. In addition to his Superintendent of Research role, Leo will also represent the University of Pisa in developing its on-going relationship with the IFRF in research and training activities of mutual interest.

    Also on January 1st 2014, Presidency of IFRF will transfer from Jacques Dugué (TOTAL, France) to Hartmut Spliethoff (TU Munich, Germany), who has acted as Vice-President for the last 3 years

    It is anticipated that a new Deputy Superintendent of Research will be identified before the end of 2013. Suitably qualified IFRF Individual Members wishing to be considered for this role are invited to make themselves known to their local National Flame Research Committee, or directly to Leo Tognotti at IFRF for organisations outside the National Committee Structure.  Further information regarding the role and the duties of the Deputy Superintendent of Research can be obtained by contacting the outgoing Superintendent of Research Neil Fricker.

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