• IFRF – Changes at the top

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      Neil Fricker
  • Peter Roberts retired last week as the Director of the IFRF after leading the organization for more than 27 of its 52 years. Neil Fricker has taken over as Director on an interim basis as the IFRF intensifies its search for a new home and a new permanent director.

    Peter Roberts joined the IFRF in 1978, and has been part of the IFRF’s management team ever since.  Prior to joining the IFRF he had worked in Ireland with the Irish Institute for Industrial Research and Standards and had spend some ten years working in the British Iron and Steel industry, mainly with the Swinden Laboratories of the then British Steel Corporation (now Corus Group). Peter has agreed to continue his association with the IFRF on a part time basis, and will be responsible for the maintenance of the content of the IFRF.NET web site as well as this Newsletter. Peter also remains as the Interim Director of the IFRF Research Station BV as it trades its existing contracts to completion.

    Neil Fricker is a former Investigator at the IFRF, and has spent much of his subsequent career with the R&D Department of British Gas. He  is currently a Visiting Professor of Combustion Technology with the University of Glamorgan, and may be better known to readers of this newsletter as the Editor in Chief of the IFRF’s on-line Combustion Handbook.

    Neil and Peter can be contacted through their regular IFRF email addresses.

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