HTAC – High Temperature Air Combustion – Flameless Combustion: Exploratory Research with a Range of Fuels
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Post Author
Peter Roberts
As our readers will be aware, the IFRF is strongly promoting its new Research Programme, the HEC-High Efficiency Research Programme. In March 2002, it was indicated that the go-ahead was given for the Research Station to commence the construction of a new research facility. At the time of writing, February 2003, commissioning of this new facility is scheduled for March 2003.
It was originally agreed with the Joint Committee, that the three major research reports stemming from the extensive programmes carried out at the IFRF Research Station during the second half of the 1990s, would be published as Members Reports, despite the fact that they had been funded externally.
These Research Reports would be published during the period of construction and commissioning of the new research facility, and the period of the first experimental programme.
Today we are commencing the publication of these reports within a newly defined Members Research Programme named “HTAC – High Temperature Air Combustion – Flameless Combustion: Exploratory Research with a Range of Fuels“.
This Final Research Report – IFRF Doc. No. F46y1 – is concerned with the first of the three projects, namely: “Fluid Flow and Mixing in a Furnace Equipped with the Low NOx Regenerative Burner of Nippon Furnace Kogyo – Results of High Temperature Air Combustion Trials – HTAC1“.
The first edition of this report is published in both pdf and html formats. The full pdf version contains all sections of the report including data Appendices. The html version contains all data, published in sections, except for the aforementioned Appendices. These will be added shortly as downloadable, protected, xls format, worksheets, in a manner similar to that used by the IFRF Online Combustion Handbook.
This report was originally published by the IFRF Research Station. It is now re-published by the IFRF as a Members Research Report. Therefore, apart from the original sponsors, this Research Reports is available only to Individual Members of the IFRF. That is to say, representatives of Member Organisations of the IFRF registered as Individual Members and authenticated with User Name and Password.
Editor’s Note:
If your company is not a Member Organisation of the IFRF, please contact us at membership@ifrf.net.