• Handbook Continues Publication in Low Calorific Value Gases Campaign

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  • This week, The IFRF Handbook publishes four combustion Files relating to the manufacture and properties of Blast Furnace Gas. Blast Furnace Gas is a low calorific value fuel that is a by-product of iron making in blast furnaces.

    In addition to their direct use within the Handbook, these files also constitute part of the build up to TOTeM 25, where the topic under discussion will include low calorific value gases and the potential to expand their deployment in high temperature processes. The IFRF is grateful to Peter Hoppesteyn and Jan van der Bemt of Corus Ijmuiden for the preparation of this material

    To read or download these and other recently published files, please go to www.handbook.ifrf.net, and select ‘New Combustion Files’ after accepting the disclaimer screen. Other Combustion Files on related themes may be found by using the links built into these CFs and/or by searching the Handbook with the  keywords like ‘fuel’  or ‘gas’ or ‘properties’ or ‘characterisation’ – the search will be more focused if you use a combination of these or similar words and choose the option ‘All of these words’