• Former IFRF Investigator – Prof. Klaus Hein

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      Peter Roberts

Last Friday, 18th February, Professor Klaus Hein took his leave from IVD (Institute für Verfahrenstechnik und Dampfkesselwesen of the University of Stuttgart), after having completed 12 years as Director of the Institute.

141 Colleagues, friends and family attended the Abschiedskolloquium.  The colloquium commenced with a welcome and introduction from the Prorector of the University, Prof. Dr.-Ing W Ehlers and continued with a series of lectures from his colleagues at Stuttgart, Prof. Westkämperand Prof Roos, Prof Hasenkopf of EnBW AG, the undersigned on behalf of the IFRF, Prof Spliethoff of TU München, Prof. Scheffknecht, the new Director of IVD and finally Prof. Klaus Hein himself.

The presentations naturally covered the different aspects of Prof. Hein’s accomplishments, which were many, and ranged from the serious to the more light-hearted and personal events.

Prof. Klaus Hein receives a collage of present and former colleagues
from Dr Uwe Schnell

On behalf of the IFRF, I would like to take this broader opportunity to congratulate Klaus on his achievements and recall his long career with the IFRF from Investigator to longtime Member of the IFRF Board, the Joint Committee.  It should further be noted that although Klaus retired from TU Delft last year, and has further retired as Director IVD, so for there is no mention of his retirement from the IFRF!