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  • The First International Oxyfuel Combustion Conference is a five day event organized by the IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme and Vattenfall.  The conference marks the culmination of three previous Oxyfuel Combustion Network workshops held in Germany, USA and Japan.  The full background to the event is described on the conference website and the conference programme can be viewed on the IFRF Events Calendar.

    The ANSYS Italian Conference takes place in Bergamo in October this year and will focus on the state of the art in virtual design and prototyping technologies.  The programme includes news from ANSYS and Ansoft as well as simulations, success stories and live product demonstrations.

    The IFRF is part of the organizing committee behind the 10th International conference on combustion and energy utilization which takes place in Mugla, Turkey next May.  A first announcement and call for papers is already available on the IFRF Events Calendar.  A first announcement has also been published for the 35th International Technical Conference on Clean Coal and Fuel Systems.  The meeting has been entitled Coal: Rising to New Challenges and the venue is Clearwater, Florida, 6-10 June 2010.

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