First EFRI Combustion Rig Operators Meeting
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At a recent Core Group Meeting of EFRI (European Flame Research Initiative), IFRF was invited to propose an EFRI technical meeting programme focussing on the techniques of operating and making measurements in specific categories of combustion test rigs rather than on the scientific results achieved with the rigs.
In association with TOTeM 34 Gas Turbine Research: fuels/combustion and environmental protection, the IFRF and Cardiff University propose to organise the first EFRI technical meeting around the theme of High Pressure Combustion Test Facilities.
It is anticipated that this meeting will give rig operators and those undertaking measurements in high pressure rigs the opportunity to share their operational and design experiences, positive and negative, to the mutual benefit of all participants. Organisations and individuals interested in participating in such an exchange are invited to contact Neil Fricker at IFRF to explore their interests and needs before a final programme for this event is defined.
This EFRI meeting will take place in Cardiff on Wednesday April 21st 2010, the day before TOTeM 34. Participation will be open to all EFRI members. EFRI Membership is available to any individual having a professional involvement with industrial combustion technology.