• Finnish-Swedish and British-French Flame Days

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  • This week’s Finnish-Swedish combustion event is devoted to combustion and energy production related topics and will be conducted in English. The meeting is also open to non-members of the IFRF.  The program includes three keynote lectures from invited speakers: 

    Koskela, Sirkka, Finnish Environment Institute: Environmental Impacts of Energy Production in Finland ? a Life Cycle Approach.

    Kurkela, Esa, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland: Gasification R&D Activities in Finland.

    Niemi, Tommi, Oy AGA Ab: Increased Efficiency in Heating: State-of-the-Art Oxyfuel Combustion.

    For more information see the Final Announcement.

    The title of the British and French event in Lille on 9 and 10 March is “Challenges in Combustion Technology: Security of Supply, Efficiency and Development”.  The meeting will address how current heating systems and burner technologies are addressing a variety of new developments and opportunities, and a wide spectrum of leading UK and French manufacturers and universities are represented on the programme.  Registration forms are available and a final programme will shortly be uploaded onto the dedicated website.

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