• Feedback from the Joint Committee Meeting in Boston

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  • Herewith a very brief overview of certain of the more important agreements reached in Boston by the members of the IFRF Joint Committee.  For ease of reference, the list, which is by no means exhaustive, has been laid out under appropriate headings.  Any IFRF Member requiring more detail should contact their National Committee Representative directly.

    IFRF Organisation
    As a result of the decision to extend the Executive Officer cycle from 2 to 3 years, the current President, Richard Waibel, Vice President Jacques Dugué, Superintendent of Research, Prof. Hartmut Spliethoff, and Deputy Superintendent of Research Dr. Neil Fricker remain in office until 31 December 2010.

    Annual report and financial statements 2008
    The Joint Committee approved the 2008 IFRF Annual report which includes summaries of the main IFRF activities during 2008 as well as the Profit & Loss statements.  Once again, the IFRF was able to transfer a surplus from its operations to reserves.  The Main Contact Person in each member organisation will shortly receive a printed copy of the IFRF 2008 Annual Report for circulation to individual members.  A copy will also be made available directly on the IFRF website.

    IFRF publications policy
    During 2008 IFRF Members made good use of the online search engine to identify relevant technical reports from the IFRF’s archive.  Some 100 technical reports were requested and despatched over the period.  During 2009 the IFRF electronic archive will be enlarged to include the proceedings from all previous Members’ Conferences

    Conferences and TOTeMs
    It was agreed that the IFRF’s 17th International Members’ Conference will take place in France in 2012. A number of TOTeMs was timetabled, of which the first is planned at Cardiff University on 22 and 23 April 2010.  The title is “Status and Needs for Gas Turbine Research: fuels/combustion and environmental protection.”  The meeting will be centred on the University’s Gas Turbine Research Centre, based in Port Talbot, south Wales, and will include an opportunity to visit this new combustion test facility.

    Membership tariffs
    It was agreed that for the 2010 financial year, a new fee structure would be introduced to make IFRF Membership easier for academic organisations and government agencies. Academic organisations are invited to contact their local National Committee for further information and discussions on IFRF Membership.

    IFRF Members’ Research Programme
    The Deputy Superintendent of Research tabled a Research Agenda for 2010-2014.   

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