• Feedback from September Course

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  • As reported in MNM 37, the course delegates were PhD students and young engineers from research institutes around Europe as well as from companies including Belgian Laborelec, Finnish organisations VTT and Wärtsilä, and Corus Strip Products (UK).

    The course was extremely well received overall, with the vast majority of completed questionnaires reporting that the course had contributed significantly to delegates’ knowledge of the topic.  The course content was also almost unanimously rated good or very good, as was the quality of the lecturers.

    Amongst the specific suggestions offered for improving further courses, delegates mentioned both biomass and liquid fuel combustion as topics requiring a deeper focus.  Students also indicated a preference for a larger number of interventions from industry.  The visit to the Livorno experimental facility aroused a great deal of interest and was also suggested as an area for deeper and more prolonged study.

    These and other suggestions received will provide a rich resource for the planning of further training courses to be offered by the IFRF.  As usual, the Monday Night Mail will carry the details as soon as they become available.


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