Feedback from Finnish Swedish Flame Days
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The Finnish and Swedish National Committees of the IFRF organized Finnish-Swedish Flame Days 2009 on January 28-29, 2009 in Naantali, Finland. The event was a success with some 100 participants attending from around Scandinavia, representing universities, research institutes and companies.
The event program included three keynote lectures from invited speakers. These speakers were Sirkka Koskela (Finnish Environment Institute), Esa Kurkela (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland) and Esa Mäki (Oy AGA Ab). Twenty-seven presentations were given in four parallel sessions during the two days. These presentations described ongoing energy research and research plans in Finland and in Scandinavia. Also many posters were presented in the event. The conference dinner took place on Wednesday evening.
The presentations and the posters can be found on the webpage of the Finnish National Committee.