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  • The Finnish Flame Research Committee organised an annual seminar in Espoo, Finland on January 14th, 2010. The seminar consisted of two invited presentations and four parallel sessions.

    The keynote speech given by Professor Aldén from Lund University covered laser diagnostic techniques for combustion studies.  He focused on real furnace applications and on research that has been conducted at Lund University. 

    Invited speaker Mr. Korkiakoski from the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation, Tekes, talked about research opportunities supported by Tekes in Finland.

    The parallel sessions were devoted to ongoing Finnish research projects.  The IFRF and its activity in Finland was also presented. Almost 20 combustion related presentations were given and around 80 participants from 24 organisations attended the seminar which finished with a cocktail buffet in the evening.

    The FFRC would like to express their appreciation to presenters and delegates alike.

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