Featured Technical Meetings this week
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Featured Technical Events this week are:
An IFRF National Technical Meeting (Open to all IFRF Members)
2005 AFRC Spring Meeting
27th-28th Apr, 2005
US EPA, Research Triangle Park, NC, USAThe 2005 Spring AFRC (and other IFRF Members) Member’s Only Meeting will be hosted by EPA’s Air Pollution Technology Branch. The meeting will be held in the Auditorium of EPA’s New Campus at 109 TW Alexander Drive in Research Triangle Park, NC on April 27-28, 2005.
Topics will primarily include a review of ongoing combustion related research at EPA or research sponsored by EPA, but AFRC members who are performing research related to air pollution control are welcome to submit abstracts to Bob Hall to be included in the program as space
permits. In addition to in-house research on topics such as mercury from coal-fired power plants, multipollutant control technologies, dioxin/furan emissions, particulate matter control, and homeland security issues, a review will be provided on related topics under EPA’s grants program.
A tour of the new 4 million BTU/hr coal-fired multipollutant combustor and the new open burn facility will be provided to those who are interested.
All registered attendees will be included for a fun evening at the Durham Bulls baseball game following a North Carolina barbecue dinner. The registration fee of $150 will include lunch on both days, dinner on Wednesday evening. We will attend the Durham Bulls baseball game on the evening of April 27.
For full details:
An IFRF International Technical Meeting (Open Meeting)
Challenges in combustion technology
18th-19th Oct, 2005
Borås, Sweden, EUThe Flame Days will be devoted to research within of combustion related topics for energy generation of interest today. Areas of interest are thus, for example:
– Electricity production from difficult fuels
– Fuel quality and fuel flexibility
– Co-combustion
– CO2-mitigation
– Emission control
– Ash management and other residues
– High temperature combustion
– Combustion process modelling and validation of models
The language of the conference will be English. The conference is open to non-members of the IFRF.
For full details:
A Technical Meeting not organised directly by the IFRF – of interest to sections of IFRF Members
ASME 2005 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences
September 24-28, 2005
Long Beach, California, USAThis symposium focused on signal-processing related techniques as applied to the monitoring and diagnostics in mechanical/structural/biological/MEMS/composite-material systems. Of interest are all techniques for signal/data processing, such as sensing, signal conditioning, signal processing, and pattern recognition technologies etc, employed to construct a monitoring and/or diagnostic systems. Papers are invited on topics including, but not limited to…….
For full details: