• Experimental Campaign underway at Livorno

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  • AE&E, an international plant engineering and construction company, is undertaking tests in Livorno this week.  The tests are in the framework of a research activity together with Technical University of Graz, to develop an oxyfuel burner for application in different industrial sectors. 

    The experimental environment for the semi industrial tests has been set up by IFRF and ENEL – the equipment being used includes the 3 MW experimental rig Fo.Sper, a replica of IFRF furnace #1, as well as IFRF sampling probes and instrumentation. 

    The activities comprise 1 test day at 2.5 MW in air-coal configuration and 3 test days at 2.5 MW in oxy-coal configuration, with in-flame and radiation measurements.  Representatives from AE&E are leading the tests.

    During the trials, new diagnostic techniques for flame characterisation and nanoparticulate collection will also be preliminarily tested.  This parallel activity is in the frame of a collaboration between IFRF and ENEA, the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Development, and is aimed to develop new methodologies for oxycombustion diagnostics and control.

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