Events Calendar Updates
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Official entries have now been created on the IFRF website Events Calendar for the following upcoming IFRF events:
IFRF 16th International Members’ Conference to be held in Boston USA from 8-10 June 2009 and followed by the IFRF Executive and Joint Committee Meetings on the 11th and 12th June. The conference will be organised around the theme of Sustainable Combustion and New Fuels.
TOTeM 31 which will take place on November 13 and 14 in Pisa on the topic Oxy Fuel Combustion, to be chaired by Gennaro De Michele.
TOTeM 32 Overcoming ash related restrictions on effective solid fuel utilisation, 15th and 16th December 2008 at Technical University Munich (Chairman IFRF Superintendent of Research Prof. Hartmut Spliethoff).
TOTeM 33 Rotary Kiln Combustion, Pisa, February 11th and 12th 2009, to be chaired by Professors Tran and Hupa.
TOTeM 34 Industrial furnaces for the metals industry, July 22,24 2009, to be held in Tokyo and supported by the Japanese Flame Research Committee and associates JBRA and JIFMA. (Organised by Susumo Mochida, Chairman of the JFRC).
New information will be added to each of these calendar entries as it becomes available. Interested Members are advised to check back periodically and to watch the Monday Night Mail for more news.
Another new entry into the Events Calendar is the first announcement and call for papers regarding the joint British/French National Commitees’ Flame Days (12th and 13th March 2009) on the topic Challenges in Combustion Technology: Security of supply, efficiency and development.