• Events Calendar Updates

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  • A First Announcement has been published for COMBURA 2010 which takes places near Maastricht on 12 and 13 October.  Organized by the Technology Foundation STW, the Dutch section of the Combustion Institute and the Nederlandse Vlamvereniging (NVV), COMBURA 2010 is sponsored by KIVI NIRIA section Energy and Heat Technology.

    Updates to existing events on the Calendar include:

    Les enjeux de la combustion enrichie en oxygène, Espace Hamelin, Paris, 14 October 2010 – Delegates may now register.

    9th European Conference on industrial furnaces and boilers INFUB 9, Estoril Portugal, 26-29 April 2011 – New deadline for submission of Abstracts: 10th of August 2010; additional keynote speakers confirmed.

    Next week in MNM: Updates on ToteMs 34, 35 and 36.

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