European Flame Research Initiative
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The meeting of the EFRI group last Monday was hosted by DTU at their Lyngby campus near Copenhagen. The outcome of a recent request for EC funding for a new European Flame Research Infrastructure was presented and discussed. (Although the proposal was well evaluated, the EC was unable to offer funding.) Those present agreed to use the material contained in the proposal to prepare a road map for the development of networked flame research activities in Europe under the IFRF’s European Flame Research Initiative banner.
During the discussions various opportunities were identified for those present to cooperate in applying for EC Research funding under various parts of the 2009 FP7 Programme. Calls were identified and will be followed up in the coming weeks and months.
It was also agreed to establish an on-line directory of European Combustion Research Rigs, and those present made an initial presentation of the rigs they proposed for inclusion in the EFRI Directory. An on-line Forum was demonstrated which will facilitate the development of the EFRI concept. The Forum will be open to users both within and outside the IFRF who wish to associate with the EFRI initiative. An announcement regarding availability of the Forum for EFRI Associates will be made in a future MNM.
Organisations wishing to have more information about the IFRF’s EFRI activity may send their request to Tracey Biller here.