• European CO2 Capture and Storage Conference – Towards Zero Emissions Power Plants

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      Peter Roberts
  • The office of the European Commission – DG Research on Energy Conversion and Transport would like to announce the International Conference on:

    European CO2 Capture and Storage Conference
    – Towards Zero Emission Power Plants

    Charlemagne Building, Brussels
    13th – 15th April 2005

    The objectives of this conference are:

    1. To discuss and help develop a common and coherent European strategy for RTD in the field, on the basis of the presentation of past, present, and future activities,
    2. To communicate to a wider audience the comprehensive EC research portfolio in the field,
    3. To enhance the international dimension of the EC activities in the field,
    4. To enhance dissemination of project results and networking of the EC contractors.

    The conference is designed to attract high level participants involved in policy making, the civil society, research, industry and others. Many participants will be connected to EU FP5 and FP6 projects, plus international participation with developed and emerging economies, primarily Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum member countries.

    The programme outline:

    • Invited Keynote Speeches – Setting the global context
    • Advances in Capture and Transport
    • Advances in Storage
    • CO2 capture and storage at the international level
    • Creating market conditions %u2013 including regulatory and legal aspects
    • Strategy and Future Work %u2013 Lessons Learned

    Attendance is free, but will be by invitation only. You are therefore advised to notify us of your intention to participate by going to the following web-site:


    Participants have to make their own arrangements for travel and accommodation.

    For further information, please contact Ms Sabine Huygens at:

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